Springhead Plantation  The
Springhead plantation, in St. James has been owned since the mid 1600s.
It has changed hands several times throughout the years, from that time
to the 20th century. The plantation was owned by two of the
richest men of their time, Samuel Osbourne (or Osborne) and Sir Philip
Gibbes. Samuel Osborne owned Springhead and other plantations in
Barbados. Sometime in the 1750s, Philip Gibbes married Samuel
Osborne's daughter, Agnes, so he inherited Springhead & Taitts
plantations. He also issued a copper penny token sometime in the 17th
century. Philip Gibbes received the Baronetcy in 1774. Sir
Philip Gibbes' father, also Philip arrived in Barbados in the 1600s.
Sir Philip Gibbes was born in 1730, died in 1815 and we believe his
remains are in a vault at St. James Parish church. We have no
record of the number of slaves on the plantation, we do know that they
existed here to work at producing sugar for their masters. The Springhead Plantation House is completely renovated, modernized and is available for rent. Visit: GoBeach |