Sam Lord or Samuel Hall Lord and his castle, Sam Lord's Castle Handsome building, a 2005-06 photo by Cathie |  | This
famous or infamous Buccaneer, was born in Barbados in the late 1700s
and died at age 66 in England during one of his trips to that country.
He lived in Long Bay, St. Philip. Sam Lord along with his
brother owned the Long Bay and Pool plantations, along with slaves
which they had inherited from their mother Bathsheba, who in turn had
inherited them from their father John, sometime in the early 1800s. Photo & information, from BMHS |  | There
was an old mansion on the Long Bay property, however it was replaced in
the 1800s by a new Georgian mansion, named Sam Lord's Castle, which is
now a crumbled ruin, sitting on a 72-acre plot. The Barbados hurricane of 1831 partially destroyed the castle and it took three years to rebuild it. Sam
had children with one of his slaves. His wealth is said to have come
from him plundering ships - the old story goes that he hung lanterns at
the shoreline near Sam Lord's Castle causing passing ships to try to
dock there, but running aground instead, he would then loot the ships
of its cargo. Another theory is that the ships naturally ran aground
and Sam would purchase their goods at auction houses. Sam
Lord's Castle became a luxury hotel, however due to large debts, the
property has changed hands several times over the years. In
2006, an auction was held to sell many of the elaborate furnishings in
the castle and then renovations would begin to transform it into a
hotel again. There have been videos produced about Sam Lord's Castle as well as poetry and a folk song. The Barbados NationNews as well as Barbados Free Press, have been keeping us uptodate about Sam Lord's Castle. As of 2009, the Sam Lord's Castle continues to crumble! Update: The castle burned to the ground in 2010. |