Fisherpond Great House  It's believed that the Fisherpond Great House was built either in the 16th or 17th century. Fisherpond
Plantation in St. Thomas was once owned by several individuals - first
there was Sir Marmaduke Rawdon, who, sometime between 1628 & 1630
had secured land from the Earl of Carlisle, 'owner' of Barbados.
Marmaduke owned Fisherpond and Rawdon plantations. As well, he owned
several merchant ships and properties in London. He was knighted by the
King sometime in 1643. He died in 1646. His son Thomas, became new
owner of Fisherpond, until 1666. The property was sold several
more times. In the 1800s, it belonged to Thomas Hollingsworth, whose
Will was published - Fisherpond plantation and his other estate to be
sold after the harvesting of the crop, so there would be sufficient
money which he could list in his Will to be left to several people
including his brother's widow, his aunt & sister, "my illegitimate"
child and her mother. He also left an inheritance to his female slave
"for the purpose of freeing her." He left his friend William Grassett
as the executor of his Will. We note that soon after, William
Grassett was the owner of Fisherpond Plantation until the mid 1800s.
The property then changed hands a few more times. In the 21st
century, the property, owned by John & Rain Chandler, has become
the place to have Sunday lunch, by appointment. You must call ahead
also on other days. You'll be in good company as the Queen of England
and some of her grandchildren have had lunch at the Fisherpond. As
well the British Prime Minister Tony Blair, also sat at the dining
table for 24, at the Fisherpond Great House. Fisherpond is the perfect place for your Barbados Wedding! Call 433-1754, rainchandler at, |