Get Married In Barbados At Any of The Churches Listed Below
List of churches, registered and approved by the Government of Barbados Anglican The Anglican
Church Diocesan Office, Mandeville House St. Michael. Tel. No.
(246) 426-2762 Fax No. (246) 426-0871 Email: mandeville@sunbeach.net
| Pentecostal Pentecostal Assemblies of the West Indies, P.O. Box 23W Worthing, Christ Church. Tel. No. (246) 420-7721 | Episcopal African Methodist Episcopal Church, C/o Presiding Elder, Upper Collymore Rock, St. Michael. Tel. No. (246) 427-1046 | Methodist The Methodist
Church, James Street Church Office James Street, Bridgetown.
Tel. No. (246) 436-6859 Fax No. (246) 427-1319 Email:
jamesstreet@caribsurf.com | Catholic Bridgetown Diocese of Roman Catholic
Church, Ladymeade Gardens, P.O. Box 1223, Bridgetown, St.
Michael. Tel. No. (246) 426-3510 Fax No. (246) 429-6198
Email: rcbishopbgl@caribsurf.com | Salvation Army Salvation Army
Divisional Headquarters, Reed Street, Bridgetown. Tel.
Nos. (246) 426-2467/(246) 228-1361 Fax (246) 426-9369
Email: BarbadosDivisionalCommander@Car.salvationarmy.org | Adventist Eastern Caribbean Conference of Seventh Day Adventists, Brittons Hill, St. Michael. Tel. No. (246) 429-7234 Fax No. (246) 429-8055 | Nazarene Church of the Nazarene District Office, Eagle Hall, St. Michael. Tel. No. (246) 425-1067 Fax (246) 435-6486 | Mormon Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints,
West Indies Mission, 14 Walkers Terrace, St. George.
Tel. No. (246) 429-1385 Fax No. (246) 435-6486 | Spiritual Baptist Sons of God Apostolic Spiritual Baptist Church, Jerusalem Apostolic Cathedral, Ealing Grove, Christ Church. Tel. (246) 428-8738 | Emmanuel Baptist Baptist Churches of Barbados, Emmanuel Baptist Church, St. Michael. Tel. No. (246) 426-2697 Email: emmbaptc@caribsurf.com | Ethiopian Orthodox Ethiopian Orthodox Church, Long Gap Opposite 3rd Ave., Spooners Hill, St. Michael. Tel. No. (246) 424-4380 | Moravian The Moravian
Church Calvary Office, Roebuck Street, St. Michael.
Tel. No. (246) 426-2337 Fax No. (246) 228-4381 Fax No.
(246) 228-6957 Email: calvarymoravian@sunbeach.net | Jehovahs Witness Jehovahs Witness, Fontabelle, St. Michael. Tel. No. (246) 437-8710 | Wesleyan Wesleyan
Holiness Church, District Headquarters, Whitepark
Road, St. Michael. Tel. No. (246) 429-3692 Fax No. (246)
429-3692 Email: w.h.bdist@caribsurf.com | Evangelical Calvary Evangelical
Church, #58 Rowans Park East, St. George. Tel: (246)
228 0510 E-mail: nlt_taylor@hotmail.com
nlt_taylor@yahoo.com | Islamic Barbados Muslim
Association, #28 Maxwell Terrace, Christ Church. Tel.
(246) 428-4212/ (246) 427-2233/ (246) 233-2074 Fax.
(246) 420-2230 E-mail: islambarb@hotmail.com | Bahai National
Spiritual Assembly of Bahais, 2nd Avenue, Belleville,
St. Michael. Tel. 429-9424 | United Holy Church of America, Mount Olive, Carringtons Village, St. Michael. Tel. No. (246) 427-3768 Fax No. (246) 424-1531 | New Testament Church of God,
River Road, St. Michael. Tel. No. (246) 426-1359 Fax
No. (246) 228-4381 (246) 427-9862 Email:
ntcog-merc@sunbeach.net | Worldwide Church of God, #6 Ealing Grove Christ Church. Tel. Nos. (246) 418-0760 Fax No. (246) 418-0732 | Truth for the Final Generation Church, Bailey Hill, Redman Village, St. Thomas. Tel.: (246) 421-7297 Email: truth@sunbeach.net | Apostolic Church, London Road Temple, Brittons Hill, St. Michael. Tel. No. (246) 436-7121 Fax : (246) 421-7790 | Berean Bible Church, Passage Road, President Kennedy Drive, St. Michael. Tel. No. (246) 426-4707 Fax No. (246) 426-0815 | General Assembly of Church of God, Chapman Street, Bridgetown. Tel. No. (246) 426-5327 | Love Gospel Assembly, Beulah Corner, St. Philip. Tel. No. (246) 423- 7936 Fax (246) 423-7936 Email: evan.goddard@blpc.com.bb | Ebenezer Revival Centre, 1st Ave. Whitehall, Tenantry Road, St. Michael. Tel. No. (246) 424-3043 | Restoration Ministries,
Laynes Road, Brittons Hill, St. Michael. Tel. No.
(246) 436-8398 Fax No. (246)436-8398 Email: restoration@sunbeach.net
| Peoples Cathedral,
Bishops Court Hill, St. Michael. Tel. No.
(246)429-2145 Fax No. (246)429-4707 Email: tpc@sunbeach.net
| Revival Time Assembly, Maxwell Great House, Maxwell Hill, Christ Church. Tel. No.: (246) 424-3043 | United Pentecostal Council of the Assemblies of God, Bridge Gap, Goodland, St. Michael. Tel. No. (246) 425-6825 Fax: (246) 425-6825 | The Abundant Life Assembly,
Bank Hill House, Bank Hall, St. Michael. Tel. No.
(246) 427-9166 Fax No.:(246) 437-8331 Email: office@ala.org.bb | Back to Religion In Barbados

- Map of Barbados
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