Christ Church Chefette Restaurants, Rockley, 430-3400 & at Sir Grantley Adams Intl. Airport 418-8770. Chefette Pizza Hotline 436-6000 Barbecue Barn & Salad Bar Hotline 436-5000. Oistins, 418-8750 New York Pizza, Quayside Centre, Rockley, 435-7677 Pizza-Man-Doc 420-7633 & at Sheraton Mall 437-2997 Desmond's, Sheraton Mall, Sargeants Village 437-2218 Oistins Fish Fry on weekend evenings. Chicken and flying fish are served, and there's dancing later on. Lunch Club, 1 Chattel Plaza, Hastings 228-3649 & Earthworks Complex, St. Thomas, 425-2890 Patisserie Flindt, Quayside Centre, Rockley 435-2600 Kentucky Fried Chicken -
several locations. DaCostas Mall, 431-0046,
Speightstown, St. Peter, 422-3812...Kentucky Fried Chicken
home delivery 435-8888
Christ ChurchSt. James St. Joseph
St. Michael
St. Peter
St. Philip
St. Thomas
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